God Is Always Listening – Even When We Don’t Think So by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network
Sunday evening I was going over everything on the website and checking twitter and was surprised at the number of “Notifications” I had received over the weekend. They were more than triple the typical volume. The one notice I received was from Bill Stack, Pastor of Salem Full Gospel Church in Salem, Missouri.
When we published Church Offerings – Essence of Collapse we didn’t expect an immediate response, but we sure received one!! An incredible article where people are doing exactly what we discussed. Not only is the group in Missouri making a huge difference, right where they stand, they are spreading the love of Christ.
This is the type of effort that we need to see from all churches throughout the land. Imagine if 8 different Christian churches came together to create this type of support system in communities around the country. What would happen? How would we be able to spread the Gospel right where we stand? Are churches islands?
When I was child it seemed churches were much more involved in communities than today. Maybe I’m just not seeing it where I stand. What I see is the government taking over what should be a community effort, a community support system of loving hand-ups instead of degrading government run hand-outs.
This is how the Gospel is spread and communities strengthened. Lives changed and the King of Kings takes His rightful place in peoples lives. I have been making a case throughout 2019 that most, if not all, the problems our communities are facing today would be immediately begin to reverse course if Jesus Christ were brought back to the home. Families would be restored and the filth of this world would be made white as snow in a crimson tsunami of salvation.
Shepherd’s Nook tops $1 million mark in food distributed to needy by
What began as a local missions project in 2001 is now the largest food pantry in south central Missouri, eclipsing the $1 million mark in food distributed in 2017 alone.
Shepherd’s Nook at the Lifeway Center served about 300 people in its first month, when it was started by the Salem Full Gospel Church 18 years ago. Today it draws support from eight churches and a host of community donors.
Full Gospel pastor Bill Stack, the executive director of the food pantry, said he was surprised to see its impact had reached the million-dollar mark when he filed tax paperwork for 2017 last month for the non-profit Lifeway Center.
“The Lord just kept blessing what was going on, and now we do between 1,800 and 2,200 people a month,” he said. “We didn’t realize what it had turned into. It wasn’t really a fundraising goal, it was just what we were giving out.”
The figure for 2017 was about $15,000 above the $1 million mark. “And our accountant is telling us we’re going to exceed last year by a little bit this year,” Stack said.
On its regular food days each month, the pantry served over 15,000 people last year and another 5,000 on unscheduled times when, for example, a shipment of produce comes in and it won’t keep until the next scheduled food day. Continue Reading / The Salem News Online >>>